Payroll Links

Following are links to our payroll partners, important governmental (state & federal) and payroll related sources. Please contact R&L with any payroll questions.

Payroll Partners

CDK Systems, Inc.

Integration with CDK Personnel & CDK for Windows Accounting Package for NJ Schools

Governmental Sites

Internal Revenue Services

Our "kinder, gentler" uncle has provided a useful home page

Social Security Administration

A quick reference to help employers find assistance & meet wage-reporting requirements.

Department of Labor

Regulatory compliance assistance for small business.

New Jersey Business Gateway Services

This is NJ’s "one-stop" center for businesses; Register on-line and a host of other state services.

NJ Department of Labor Division of Employer Accounts

A great source of Unemployment info; for informational pamphlets & an employer Unemployment & Disability handbook.

New York Unemployment Insurance Department of Labor New York

General information for unemployment and employer responsibilities. Click on registering as an employer to enroll as a New York state employer.

Pennsylvania On-line

If you want the easiest way to register a new business in PA, add additional taxes or services or to register a new enterprise that is acquiring all or part of an existing enterprise, check out this site.

General Payroll Sites

American Payroll Association

An organization of payroll professionals, of which R&L is a member, provides a site containing additional handy links.